Sir Guy Haines Meets a 00

After returning the Porter to the secret MI6 air base, Bond wrote a brief commendation for Slater sent to M on his laptop and took another train under the chunnel to downtown London and then a cab to his apartment to change clothes and watch the news:

A French train went briefly out-of-control after an explosion before safety measures brought it to a stop outside of Calais today. Several people were killed in the blast which is under investigation....

Bond laughed having known the truth....but who would want to stage a fake attack on a Eurotrain and blame it on ragheads? Hadn't that already been done on 7/7 in the tube and people would not be buying it? Maybe this was all the work of Quantum? Where was his last lead? A member of the British Royal family who he was ordered to let was time to pay him a visit...

With White dead, Bond placed Haines in his trunk and drove off from his estate. Dawn was breaking all over southern Britain.

Bond cell phoned M from his Aston-Martin DB9:

"I have Haines. White is dead. Tanner has their files. We are looking them over now, sorry to wake you".

"No problem, 007 bring him in to the basement right away...can you get there before rush hour?"

"I think so".

Bond rushed to MI6 headquarters on the Thames River. In the basement interrogation room, Bond had Haines placed on a chair as Tanner watched through the 1-way glass.

"So are you the head of Quantum?"

Haines was still proud and certain his high-level connections would get him off.

"You have nothing on me linking to them"

Bond waved a CD.

"We have all your files. I took them before you could bow your place up."

Bond was bluffing. It was a blank CD, Bond wouldn't risk the real data which was safe in multiple copies with Tanner. Haines enraged tried to get off his chair to strike Bond but found he had a reel-in tether holding him.

"Now, now, Sir Haines. Act like you belong to the upper class, please".

"You are going down, Bond".

Bond smiled sardonically.

"Not without you. Are you behind this?"

Bond threw a newspaper with headlines on the recent terror attack on the French train onto the table in front of Haines.

Haines saw it and his facial expressions showed genuine ambivalence.

"Not our show, Bond. We happen to like the trains, very profitable for us....."

Bond didn't know to thank him or smack him...

Haines changed his expression to conciliatory...

"Bond, you know there are more than one conspiracy group running the world you know...I even belong to a few....they teach you that at MI6 spy school don't they? Or just this there's only Queen and country rubbish fed to the masses?"

Bond, himself a graduate of a rich man's school paid for by an anonymous benefactor--probably his father, Commander Ian Fleming knew the type of man Haines was.

"Mind telling us who you think is behind this?"

Haines laughed.

"There is a reason why they are called 'secret societies', old boy."

Continue to Part 7!