What most people do not realize is that General George Washington faced in the English Army, a force that had superior mobility via ships to attack using America's rivers and water ways that could also speed-march from place to place. His Army was also untrained until Von Steuben came and became the "Warfighter Inspector General", which ironically what we need today.

Yet America won in the end because she was FLEXIBLE and not rigid as the British were. Experience fighting in the French-Indian wars taught us to ambush, attack at night, do the unexpected (asymmetric wafare) and in the end America prevailed once France put an end to the British use of the sea for maneuver.

First Blood The War for Independance Begins
The Continuing Battle; Concord
Bunker Hill
George Washington
War spreads from New England
Battle of Long Island and New York
Crossing the Delaware
Battle of Princeton
The Tide Begins to Turn
Valley Forge
Battle of Monmouth
The War in the South
Yorktown - Final Victory