Shortly after leading the Allied landings at TORCH, General Patton ("Blood n Guts") was temporarily out of a job. His forces behind the German Afrika Corps, the British forces under General Montgomery pushing them from the east.

Meanwhile, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, ("The desert fox") was aware his forces were in danger of being encircled and cut-off from supplies coming from the Meditaranean sea. He needed a way out.

So he struck at the inexperienced Americans at the Kasserine Pass where they were not under a strong Divisional control and were on the forward slopes of hills where German guns could hit them long before their own shorter range guns could even reach.

General Patton was sent in to save the day as the new II Corps Commander and having read Rommel's book "Attacks" knew the mind of his adversary and set up an artillery trap for him at El Guettar, decisively defeating him, though Rommel was sick and had flown back to Germany at the time of the battle.

The Afrika Corps was finished. 1